Tuesday, February 21, 2006

frogging.....it's not easy being green

There was a minor setback to the Knitting Olympics Sunday night. I realized that I had been knitting the pattern of my hat incorrectly and consequently had been increasing every row. There was no way around it, so I ripped down to the color change. I should still be able to finish before the torch goes out, but I'm not messing around, I've traded out the dpns for my circulars, in an attempt to speed things along. Plus, this week I have my SnB, so that right there is at least two solid hours of knitting (minus the time spent to sip my coffee).
Speaking of... I did manage to finish 1 Project Linus square for the group. I think I am going to try to crochet a couple of blocks from "200 Crochet Blocks" by Jan Eaton for the next square.

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